
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a fiber laser marking machine?

When we buy a fiber laser marking machine, we must clearly know the focus of our choice.

Understand our own needs, so that we can choose the desired products.

Today, I will introduce to you the three golden rules of fiber laser marking machine purchase for your reference.

1. Product quality

When we buy a product, the first thing we need to look at is the quality of the product.

Only excellent product quality can meet our needs.

As a leader in the marking industry, the fiber laser marking machine adopts advanced air-cooled technology, with a light conversion efficiency of more than 50%, and the laser source of all systems is only 500W, and does not require a water-cooling system. Air-cooled Can meet the needs of the system.

2. Product cost performance

In addition to product quality, we also care about the price of the product, which is also the core of buying a product.

A cost-effective product is worth buying.

Although the price of fiber laser marking machine is more expensive than other products, from the long-term perspective of investment, the rate of return of fiber laser marking machine is much higher than that of general marking equipment.

It is easy to maintain, long service life, and accurate marking, these are the advantages that we cannot ignore.

3. Product after-sales

Only with a complete after-sales system can it be called a qualified product.

A family has no after-sales guarantee, no professional technical support, no matter how good the product is, we dare not buy it, because no one dares to guarantee that the machine will not have any problems in the process of use, and if there is a problem, we need professional technology Personnel to solve.

So, a complete after-sales service is very important.

As a entrepreneur, being trapped in a company under multiple quality problems never appealed to LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd..

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LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. is a team of manufacturers who have 10+ year experience on creating business plans and other types of productions with top-tier management firms and various multinational corporates.

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Coding & Marking

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