
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

What type of equipment is used for milk packaging coding?

Printing numbers, text and other content on the surface of the product can be done with a industrial inkjet printer, which is faster than manual operation and guarantees good printing quality. The coding operation using the cij industrial inkjet printer is computer-controlled, and the non-contact method is used to generate the required identification information on the surface of the object to be printed. Milk packaging coding can be used with current coding equipment.

Which cij industrial inkjet printer is used? According to the types of cij printers currently on the market, they are largely divided into inkjet printers and laser inkjet printers. Ink cij printers include small-character inkjet printers, large-character inkjet printers, and high-resolution inkjet printers. When such inkjet printers are used, ink needs to be added. After the equipment is started, the ink will be pushed from the ink path and ejected through the nozzle. On the surface of the printed object, the dot matrix after the ink dries will form the required content. Large-character cij printers and small-character inkjet printers are only different in the size of the printed fonts. Large-character inkjet printers are used for printing on large packaging surfaces, and small-character inkjet printers can be used for surface printing on any material. Good Printing effect. Which type of coding equipment is used for milk packaging coding depends on the packaging material.

High-resolution printing does not need to add solvents, and the ink density in the ink path remains unchanged throughout the printing process. If you want to print barcodes or two-dimensional codes and other patterns, it is better to use high-resolution printing directly to change the barcode. It should be noted that the surface of the product should be kept flat and cannot be sprayed on the uneven surface of the product. When it comes to the effect of printing, laser printing is better than ink printing. If the milk packaging inkjet is laser printing, it will not produce pollutants harmful to the environment and humans.

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As the manufacturing procedure of cij printer becomes more regulated, the costs to businesses will increase and the workforce will suffer as a result.

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