
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

Which industries and advantages can the handheld laser marking machine be used in?

What industries and advantages can laser marking machines be used in? Today, the staff of the laser marking machine manufacturer will introduce to you

the price of the laser marking machine

1. Due to the unique advantages of laser technology, it has been applied At present, laser marking machines are used in electronic cigarettes, hardware products, pharmaceutical packaging, wine packaging, architectural ceramics, beverage packaging, rubber products, shell nameplates, craft gifts, electronic components, leather, electronic components Devices, integrated circuits (IC), electrical appliances, mobile communications, hardware products, tool accessories, precision instruments, glasses and clocks, jewelry, auto parts, plastic buttons, building materials, PVC pipes, medical equipment and many other fields of graphics and text marking , so as to leave permanent marks on the workpiece surface

Second, compared with traditional processing technology, laser marking has unparalleled advantages:

1. It has no contact, no cutting force, The advantage of small thermal influence ensures the original accuracy of the workpiece;

2. The processing method is flexible and can meet the requirements of industrial mass production;

3. The laser scribing is fine, Lines can reach the order of millimeters to microns, and it is very difficult to imitate and change the marks made by laser marking technology, which is extremely important for product anti-counterfeiting;

4. The combination of laser processing system and computer numerical control technology can form High-efficiency automatic processing equipment, can type various characters, symbols and patterns, easy to use software to design marking patterns, change marking content, and adapt to the requirements of high efficiency and fast pace of modern production;

5. No laser processing It is a clean and pollution-free high-environmental processing technology; 6. It has wide adaptability to materials, and can make very fine marks on the surface of various materials with very good durability< /p>

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