
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

Why does the carton inkjet printer appear blurry?

The carton inkjet printer is a relatively precise equipment. Its main function is to continuously operate and inkjet. In daily use, the inkjet printer presents the problem of indistinct inkjet. How to deal with it? First of all, we must find the reasons. The common reasons are the lack of ink, the unreasonable ratio of thinner and ink, the unreasonable width of fonts and content, etc. The daily maintenance of the cij printer cannot be ignored.

Lack of ink in the carton printer may make the printed font unclear when it is used up; disposal method: check the ink level of the ink cartridge on time and increase the ink or replace it with a new ink cartridge. The ratio of the diluent of the carton printer and the ink of the printer is unreasonable; disposal method: monitor the viscosity of the ink on time and adjust the ratio. The width and height of the font or content printed by the carton cij printer are incorrectly set. Solution: adjust the font height and width to suitable values.

When the dot matrix carton inkjet printer does not print clearly, the disposal method: check whether the ink line position is normal, whether the ink pressure value is normal, whether the ink viscosity is suitable, The charging board is charged and calibrated, and the nozzle, deflection plate, filter nozzle, etc. are cleaned with cleaning agent to clean the small character cij printer completely.

LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. has a great reputation on producing innovative products as the cij printer.

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It's not enough to have an idea as cij printer in a gigantic market. The key to what gets concerned is how you connect this hungry market to the idea that satisfies it.

The development of expiry date printing machine cij printer products has massive potential for expansion.

LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. will give you a suitable price for purchasing cij printer.

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