
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

Why does the print head of the domino inkjet printer need to be heated?

The print head of the DOMINO cij printer is designed with a heating function. When the machine is open, the inkjet printer control program actively heats the cavity of the inkjet printer print head. What is the purpose of the print head heating? What advantages can it bring to the cij printer? Speaking from the principle of ink

During the operation of the inkjet printer, after forming ink dots, the ink needs to be charged to reach the required charge, which can be deflected in the high-pressure static field to form the required printing content. The viscosity of ink has a lot to do with temperature, just like a bowl of porridge, it is liquid at high temperature, and gradually becomes thicker at low temperature. Because of the difference in external temperature, the ink needs to reach a certain temperature before forming ink dots to form the required viscosity. For example, Domino ink IR-270BK needs to heat the ink to 42 degrees Celsius to achieve a stable operating condition. The heating of the print head is to isolate the influence of the external temperature environment on the temperature of the ink, and then to ensure the function of printing code.

Domino inkjet printer ink heating method Domino inkjet printer ink heating is heated in the print head, that is, the print head ink cavity is heated, this heating part is precisely measured to ensure the ink temperature , And reduce the consumption of inkjet printer solvent. The heating temperature is controlled by heating equipment, temperature sensor components, etc., when the required temperature is reached, it is actively closed and heated, and continuously constitutes a heating-detection-closed-detection-heating cycle to ensure that the ink is at a constant temperature. The benefits of the heating of the print head of the inkjet printer From the printing effect, the advantages of the heating of the print head may not be seen. However, due to the change of seasons and temperature changes, the advantages of heating the print head will be particularly significant, especially when the external temperature is low, it can ensure the printer's printing effect. And with the development of the market, more special ink types of cij printers are presented, requiring corresponding different ink temperatures. When using special inks, the benefits of heating the print head are particularly significant.

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The key to cij printer is understanding where there is a problem or need in certain markets and knowing how to solve it.

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