
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

Yantai laser marking machine delivered three sets

The new crown pneumonia epidemic in 2020 has affected the economic benefits of most companies. In this environment, on June 1, 2020, the laser Yantai laser marking machine shipped three sets. They are: 1. Yantai ** Auto Lock Co., Ltd. in the Development Zone; 2. China Aerospace Science and Technology Group Yantai No. 513 in the High-tech Zone; 3. Longkou Dongli Cable Factory.

1Customer Manager Liu learned about our company through the Internet, inspected several laser equipment companies in the peninsula, and learned that most of the laser equipment in Yantai was ordered from us. After several visits and proofing, we finally determined the equipment of our home: co2 dynamic focus laser marking machine

2 The customer was at the exhibition the previous year, and Mr. Zhang from the equipment department asked him on the spot. Our technical proofing directly ordered our 30-watt laser marking machine standard model, and this direct telephone contact again ordered our large-format mobile splicing laser marking machine.

3Customer Manager Wang also learned about our company through the Internet. He visited and proofed twice and ordered our MOPA laser marking machine 30 watts.

LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. has built its reputation on a commitment to providing quality products and services while rapidly responding to international needs for innovative products.

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Application News INFO CENTER
IntroductionLaser marking has emerged as a widely popular method for ensuring precise and permanent markings on various materials.
About CO2 Laser Marking MachineCO2 laser marking machines are a popular choice for high-quality and permanent marking on various materials.
IntroductionLaser marking has become an indispensable part of various industries worldwide, revolutionizing the way manufacturers, designers, and craftsmen mark products and materials.
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Overview of CO2 Laser Marking MachineLaser marking technology has revolutionized the manufacturing industry, offering efficient and precise marking solutions for a wide range of materials.
Overview of CO2 Laser Marking MachineCO2 laser marking machines have gained immense popularity in various industries due to their high precision and versatility.
IntroductionLaser marking is a popular technique used in various industries to create permanent, high-quality marks on a wide range of materials.
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