
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

Application status of inkjet technology in tobacco industry

The coding technology has been used in the tobacco industry for a long time. In addition to printing various information such as serial numbers, expiration dates, batch numbers, logos, and product names on various packaging (packaging, sticks, cartons) of tobacco products, the more important thing is Through the outstanding application of coding technology, it can also provide product anti-counterfeiting, sales management, flow tracking and other identification solutions that meet your various needs.   The tobacco industry is an important industry for people’s livelihood and an important source of national profits and taxes. Therefore, the tobacco industry has strict application standards for the use of machinery and equipment. To meet the high-speed and clean requirements of the packaging line, but also to meet the huge daily output (up to 10,000 pieces or more per hour), so high-definition, high-adhesion laser coding equipment can better meet the production application requirements. The coding technology is applied in various related functional areas:    Anti-counterfeiting function The function of the printer to print random codes or anti-counterfeiting codes, so that each cigarette or each small cigarette packet can have a separate code, which can be directly identified and quickly Convenient; you can also print prices, promotions and other information on the cigarette packaging box, which can effectively control the tobacco sales price and prevent market fluctuations. Laser coding has the characteristics of increasing the cost of counterfeiters, helping consumers quickly identify genuine products, and protecting the legitimate interests of manufacturers. The patented ultraviolet invisible ink is used in conjunction with the tobacco packaging to increase the strength of anti-counterfeiting.  ·Marking function  The high-quality cij printer can print various graphics, characters, letters, numbers and other information on a variety of packaging materials at a high speed and clearly.  ·Market, production and logistics management  In the product packaging and carton packaging, the serial number, bar code, destination and other information are printed, and the database system is connected to achieve flow tracking and cross-regional sales query tracking of dealers. In the high-speed production of the tobacco factory, the quick-drying ink is very effective, ensuring that the identification of each printed product is clear, complete and easy to distinguish, does not affect the entire production process, and effectively reduces the time of failure; in the warehouse or distribution center of the tobacco monopoly point Here, laser machines and cij printers can also print time, exclusive sales area and other information, and connect to the internal database and management system of the enterprise to improve automated logistics management when leaving and warehousing.   At present, foreign high-quality inkjet and laser printers have the following main functions:   ·Can print Chinese characters, English, digital logos, graphics, bar codes on labels or other positions.  ·Suitable for printing on various materials (PVC, metal, plastic film, paper, tin foil, etc.).  ·Fast speed, suitable for high-speed packaging lines in the tobacco industry.  ·Multiple language options such as Chinese and English, real-time fault display, safe and effective.  · with various industrial protection levels from low to high, suitable for various ordinary and harsh production environments.  ·Can print different colors of ink and high-definition laser coding.   Ink, tobacco manufacturers and monopoly bureaus that meet different requirements.  ·Quick-drying ink    dries immediately after being printed on the surface of the product, and at the same time firmly adheres to the surface of the product, and will not transfer printing to other locations and stain the surface of the object.  ·Environmentally friendly ink   has an elegant smell, minimal pollution, safe and reliable, suitable for workshops or warehouses with high hygiene standards.  ·Invisible ink  Ink that can only be displayed under ultraviolet light, mainly used for product anti-counterfeiting. Laser coding technology is also widely used in the tobacco industry. For example, the glass film can be marked with a permanent and clear, non-erasable expiration date and production batch number. Even if there is water vapor and solvent attack, the laser coding will still last as before. Use a laser printing machine Whether it is flexible packaging, hard packaging or strip packaging, it can be directly printed on the carton without any damage to cellophane or plastic paper. It can be printed at any step of the production process at any time. At the same time, laser coding also has the anti-counterfeiting effect of increasing the cost of counterfeiters and helping consumers to identify quickly. Benefits brought by the use of inkjet technology:   ·Laws and regulations usually require manufacturers to indicate the origin, specifications, manufacturer and product information on the product or the outer box. The use of inkjet technology can meet these requirements. Provisions to ensure that customers' commercial activities in market sales, product export, etc. meet these standards. ·Product identification The tobacco industry has a very large circulation range. Although the brand or trademark can be identified from the appearance of the product, by printing clear and stable product specifications and factory names, consumers can quickly identify genuine products and reduce counterfeit and inferior products. Invasion, reduce the cost of anti-counterfeiting, in addition, the marking is not easy to wear and can also ensure the visual recognition during transportation and storage. ·Anti-counterfeiting and cross-regional sales    Print special marks (graphics, fonts, codes) on the product or outer packaging, or use the special functions of invisible ink and laser coding to increase the cost of counterfeiters and prevent the circulation of counterfeit, inferior and counterfeit products. Therefore, in the tobacco industry, coding technology has increasingly become one of the most effective anti-counterfeiting methods. In addition, customer management can be carried out by printing different numbers, graphics, and texts to prevent cross-regional sales and channeling of goods.  ·Logistics requirements  Printing barcodes on product packaging can speed up product classification and circulation, make the management between production and warehouses more reasonable and scientific, and strengthen the monitoring of raw material consumption and effective inventory management.  

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