
الشركة الرائدة في مجال الترميز & صناعة العلامات منذ عام 2011.

Functional development of pneumatic marking machine

Functional development of pneumatic marking machines

Pneumatic marking machines are widely used in the industry, and can display high-quality marks for different product markings. This is mainly because of the characteristics of pneumatic marking. The marking machine is powered by high-pressure gas, and leaves deep marks on the surface of the material through the impact of the metal needle, which makes metal products more suitable. The marking depth of the pneumatic marking machine is large, the quality is high and the speed is fast, and there are special marking types for different industries, so that the performance of the pneumatic marking machine can be better played.

The main performance of the pneumatic marking machine is as follows.

1. The design is compact, the space is small, and the marking is convenient and fast;

2. The internal linear slider guide is used, which has high precision and strong stability, effectively ensuring the normal marking. Continuous;

3. The marking needle is composed of special wear-resistant and high-hardness materials. The needle sleeve has high wear resistance, and the wearability of the needle core is more durable. The needle core is made of high-hardness material to ensure long-term marking. The precision and clarity of the marking;

4. The marking machine adopts imported solenoid valve to precisely control the strength and precision of marking;

5. The design of marking machine head is more professional , that is, to ensure small size, but also to reduce the marking noise and reduce the adverse impact of the environment on the operator;

6. The design structure of the marking machine is diversified, which can be used for different marking products. Make full use of its marking function;

7. The marking content is edited by computer, including various characters and graphics, which is easy to use and free, and has high efficiency.

In the application of users, the pneumatic marking machine constantly receives feedback and independent innovation, which makes the pneumatic marking machine more multi-functional, and also makes the marking more fast and efficient.

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