
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

Can TCM coding bring new opportunities to printer manufacturers?

The application of cij printers in the pharmaceutical industry has already begun to spread, using the characteristics of small-character cij printers to print medicines on pharmaceutical packaging Information and anti-counterfeiting information make the circulation and sale of medicines more convenient. It also regulates the order of the pharmaceutical market and safeguards consumers’ right to know. According to media reports recently, Shenzhen announced the 'Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Standards and Regulations on Traditional Chinese Medicine'. One of the highlights is the 'Traditional Chinese Medicine Decoction Pieces and Prescriptions Coding Rules and Their Application'. The specification makes the 1298 TCM decoction pieces and 703 first prescriptions have a fixed and unique ' 'Identity code' has a far greater meaning than general commodity identification codes.

In fact, people are already familiar with the barcodes of products printed on medical packaging by cij printers, but no one has connected Chinese herbal medicine pieces with barcodes. Shenzhen Municipal Health

The “Digital Medicine” project initiated by the Health and Population and Family Planning Commission of the Health and Population and Family Planning Commission uses information technology and coding technology rules to express complexities with numbers.< /p>

The names and related information of Chinese medicines explore a new way for the safe and standardized development of Chinese medicines.

First of all, the 'identity code' can further protect patients' medication safety. Many patients have complained that if they encounter a lack of work experience when taking prescriptions to the pharmacy to pick up the medicines

If you are rich or even not serious, you will be in trouble. It’s no wonder that there are many varieties of traditional Chinese medicine in our country, and the origins are mixed, and the links of production, processing, storage, circulation, and use cannot be in order.

Affect the clinical efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine decoction pieces.

Just as traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to the 'four diagnosis' to identify diseases, the content of this Chinese medicine 'ID card' compiled by Shenzhen is also very rich. Not only the name of the medicine, price

, manufacturers and other common information, but also the source of Chinese medicine, the efficacy of the part of the medicine, the processing method, and the specification requirements. In the code of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions, it also covers the information based on

syndrome differentiation and treatment, rationale and method prescriptions, clinical addition and subtraction, Chinese medicine adjustments, medical technology level, and medical management quality information.

These codes make Chinese medicine have a unified identification in every link from production to use, and overcome the differences and processing of different regions and dialects in the past.

, logistics difficulties, to achieve 'one item, one code

Secondly, it helps alleviate the 'difficulties in seeing a doctor' for the masses. In the past, when patients talked about grabbing traditional Chinese medicine and looking at the crowd in front of them, they would have headaches. If you add the same name, the same name, foreign body, and different processing methods, etc. Running around, I don’t know how much time it will take. The coding of Chinese medicine decoction pieces and prescriptions can assist in the automatic pricing and retrieval of prescriptions

, and reduce the misunderstanding that may be caused by the misunderstanding of the rater or pharmacist. , Can speed up the information sharing and information exchange about Chinese medicine between hospital information systems.

Third, in view of the flooding of counterfeit and inferior medicinal materials in the market, the lack of standards for the production of authentic medicinal materials, and the inconsistency of specifications, processing methods and technical requirements for decoction pieces, China

The coding of decoction pieces can promote the establishment of standards and norms in line with the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine, and realize the use of traditional Chinese medicine and drug production supervision, market circulation supervision, intellectual property rights

Cooperation of protection and other departments. Provide a guarantee for the promotion of the development of the Chinese medicine industry.

Given the unique identity of Chinese medicine, we can foresee that this will be another new opportunity for printer manufacturers. With the development of coding technology and the increasing demand for marking, the marking industry is bound to meet more challenges.

LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd., as well, confirms that consumers who want ethically produced goods do the work of looking for them.

If you need cij printer solution, you should always consult a professional provider. LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. is one such a competent provider that is highly qualified to offer a wide range of products and services. Visit today!

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