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Explore the fiber laser marking machine is how to play the electronic cigarette trademark printing

about the slogan 'smoking is harmful to health' can be said to be known for both young and old, but still have a lot of people will choose to buy tobacco products, many businessmen for cigarettes and introduced a new type of electronic cigarette, electronic cigarette is an imitation of a cigarette products, mainly through steam atomization methods to nicotine, let consumer eat one kind of product. Many electronic cigarettes merchants will say: 'electronic cigarette is safer than cigarette products, can also help them to quit smoking', but the world health organization (who) after the study of electronic cigarettes showed that electronic cigarettes is still a kind of harmful goods, can not help smokers give up smoking.

although electronic cigarettes does not have the effect of quit smoking effect, but with the continuous development of electronic cigarettes, consumer groups is also more and more widely, in turn promoted the expanding of different electronic cigarette manufacturer. As different tobacco products have their own brand, the same about the electronic cigarette products. Any merchants hope to smoke on electronic tags to belong to own brand logo, when the traditional silk screen printing can't on electronic cigarette products have very good effect, wei in accordance with the express the advantage of optical fiber laser marking machine is able to highlight out.

fiber laser marking machine can according to the appearance of electronic cigarette material marked color such as white, gray, black and white in accordance with the jaguar is laser marking machine products are mainly used in air cooling form, the small size, good beam quality, can realize the effect of oxidation of black, at the same time with high quality performance, low power, long life and maintenance free laser, in the aspect of equipment performance can meet the demand of electronic cigarette manufacturer for equipment, at the same time, optical fiber laser marking machine on the electronic cigarette products, can remove fading, fading, tag is immortality ink printing, labeling, printing machines and other equipment cannot instead, perfect solved the e-cigarettes customers to identify the underlying demand.

when the electronic cigarette products using optical fiber laser laser laser marking machine characteristic design, brand logo information such as the permanent marker, can improve the grade of the product, attract the attention of customers and increase customer's impression, make customers more easy to remember you. Use effect of the ink jet printing is very bad, it is easy to rub off, will not be able to display the brand and the promotion of the role of class effect, therefore with the application of laser marking machine, many electronic cigarette manufacturers have started to introduce the laser marking machine to electronic cigarettes, a trademark of printing ink was phased out ~

what has been discussed above, the electronic cigarette industry trademark tag will use optical fiber laser marking machine, rather than the traditional ink printed form, the existence of the optical fiber laser marking machine not only solved the problem of the electronic cigarette industry for identity information, and at the same time to the electronic cigarette product itself bring great benefits, for businesses to save material cost and enhance the brand effect.

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