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German EBS excellent hiding power rusty steel surface also apply bright white ink

German EBS excellent hiding power rusty steel surface also apply bright white ink source: this website the author: admin date: 2019 - 11 - Browse 5 0

Germany EBS spurt the cij printer new characters bright white ink with high whiteness and excellent covering power, can be identified in a variety of dark material on the surface of the high-definition bright and content, and even rusty steel surface, without special processing can also be easily identified.

use this on a variety of dark material has excellent contrast and bright white ink cover effect, besides spurts India general information content is clearly visible, spray print qr code can also be easily identify.

EBS bright white ink on the blue metal barrel logo effect

EBS bright white ink logo effect on black film

EBS bright white ink on the green metal cover logo effect

bright white ink has excellent except the dark material on general identification effect, whiter than ordinary color, contrast and higher resolution. On the rust of steel, the use of bright white ink with ordinary white ink effect is more significant difference.

ordinary white ink with bright white ink on the rusted steel logo contrast effects

the article reprinted in: EBS logo, more cij printer can directly dial 400 - 608 - 6693 for consultation. Company for the EBS jet. the total generation in guangdong province.

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