
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

How to ensure the data security of laser printers

The cij printer program is the heart of cij printer operation, how to ensure that the program data is not modified or tampered with? In general, the users and maintainers of cij printers are front-line production workers. Although the manufacturer will conduct certain training courses for these personnel after selling the cij printer. However, in order to ensure the integrity and consistency of some settings of the printer, the internal program of the printer also has a password protection function. Enabling these functions can give some people some permissions, which can effectively protect the printer data.   First, in the password management window, separate user rights (so-called licenses) can be allowed for six users. Each license is assigned a password.   Second, enter the password: After the machine is turned on for a short time, the password must be entered. An input area will display 'Please enter a password'. The user must enter the password within three seconds. The entered characters are displayed with *. The permissions in the basic license are automatically applied. Then press the OK key to exit.   Third, the basic permission, which defines the usage rights after the password is activated.   Fourth, activate the password, define whether the password program is activated or not. If activated, the initial password is 'ADMIN'. Password defines the password. The maximum is a combination of up to 10 characters. It may be composed of letters, numbers and special characters, but you cannot set a too complex password to avoid forgetting.

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