
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

Introduction of two working principles of laser marking machine

Laser marking is to use the laser beam focused on the surface of the workpiece to form small, high-power density spots. Each high-energy laser pulse instantly ablates the surface of the workpiece to form a mark. This process is continuously reproduced, so that the pre-edited text and graphics on the control software are etched on the surface of the workpiece.

The working principle of laser marking machine mainly includes 'hot processing' and 'cold processing'.

Thermal processing: with a high laser beam, irradiated on the surface of the material to be processed, the surface of the material absorbs the laser energy, and a thermal excitation process occurs in the irradiation area, so that the material Surface (or coating) temperature rises, resulting in metamorphosis, melting, ablation, evaporation and other phenomena.

Cold working: (Ultraviolet) photons with high loading energy, capable of breaking chemical bonds in materials (especially organic materials) or in the surrounding medium, to the point of athermalizing the material Process destruction. This cold working is of special significance in laser marking processing because it is not thermal ablation, but a cold peeling that breaks chemical bonds without the side effect of 'thermal damageDoes not produce heating or thermal deformation and other effects.

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