
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

Matters needing attention when debugging the printer

Precautions for the debugging and use of the printer: 1. When moving the machine, handle it with care and do not plug or unplug the print head line after power on to avoid burning the print head. 2. After turning on the next day using the side spray method, spray some cleaning fluid on the surface of the nozzle, and then gently squeeze the ink tank after one minute; Press the spray button and move the paper in front of the nozzle; if a white line appears in the middle of the spray, squeeze the ink tank; repeat the following work until the printing effect is OK, and then start the work. 3. After turning on the next day in the downward printing mode, loosen the handle screw on the nozzle clamp block and move the nozzle horizontally, repeat the work (2), and confirm the printing effect; adjust the nozzle to the desired printing position , Lock the handle screw to fix the nozzle. Please note that before loosening the handle screws, any action to change the direction of the print head forcefully is prohibited; it will cause the print head to not be tightened tightly and affect the printing quality. Fourth, the cij printer should be refueled at the place where it is best to add lubricating oil every month, so that the machine is kept in good condition. 5. The cij printer needs regular cleaning and maintenance.

expiry date printing machine are required in the manufacture of almost every product and date coding machine cij printer is one of the most common machines.

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