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Surgical masks the uv printing pause with the embedded micro identification hd significantly W3000 spurt the code machine

Surgical masks the uv printing pause with the printer manufacturers identification hd significantly W3000 jet. the surmount outbreak - — Guangzhou laser printing machine manufacturers identification technology co. , LTD. This is a new challenge, the sudden unexpected new test - — When the boxer on the arrival of the year of the rat new coronavirus infection pneumonia outbreak menacing. At present, the whole country is started a fight against new coronavirus infection pneumonia epidemic prevention and control. To to respond quickly to the new coronavirus pneumonia outbreak of infection, to ensure that all company staff's life safety, guangzhou printer manufacturers identification technology co. , LTD. , attaches great importance to the epidemic prevention and control work, to actively implement the superior the documents spirit, smell make the move, carry burdens, determined to win this battle the disease prevention and control of epidemic. As a good mask, to have several important factors: 1, the first thing to wear comfortable, joint face, can prevent the air from a crack in the face of sliding sideways, breathing and no power; 2, high filtration efficiency, small resistance of breathing, and will cut off dust in the filter material. In fact, the filtration efficiency is higher, the greater the resistance, often wear comfortable degree will reduce, on the design need to find a balance; 3, easy to replace or clean. Mask once a wet by heat and saliva, the filtering effect will be reduced, screen cut off too much dust, respiratory resistance will also increase, so the mask change/need to frequently wash. Surgical masks to choose printer manufacturers identification -- Spurt the code machine real-time spurts India all kinds of variable data, including bar code, the qr code number, date, time, shift, counter, pictures, tables, database and other applicable industry: food, medicine, cosmetic, label printing, fabrication, packaging printing, medical, electronics, hardware and other industries. Function characteristics: system: industrial android system, high quality experience interface: 10. 1 color screen, high definition touch screen, wysiwyg nozzle: imported industrial piezoelectric nozzle, support long and expand ink: intelligent electric control negative pressure ink system data: spray variable data printing online maintenance: a key maintenance function expansion: non-standard customization and development

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date printing machine needs not be tedious anymore with the application of . So getting the right cij printer can drastically promote expiry date printing machine.

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