
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

Talking about how to choose inkjet printers in different industries

Nowadays, there are many types of inkjet printers on the market, and different types of inkjet printers have different functions and features. Therefore, before purchasing a suitable inkjet printer, you must understand the characteristics, performance, and use of various inkjet printers to avoid unnecessary trouble in later use. Nowadays, inkjet printers have been widely used in many industries such as food, building materials, beverages, wire and cable, medicine, chemical electronics and so on. Therefore, it is particularly important to choose the most suitable printer for the product type. Small character cij printer: It can be used in almost all industries, has a wide range of uses, and occupies 80% of the market. Unsuitable types: silicone rubber, Teflon, etc. Hand-held inkjet printer: It is used for large products such as plates and cartons and products without a fixed production line. The main feature is that it is more convenient to hold by hand for marking and printing. Disadvantages: the position of the printing is not fixed, and the aesthetics is poor . High-resolution cij printer: also known as high-definition inkjet printer. It is suitable for a few industries such as plastic pipes and cartons. High-resolution inkjet printers are mainly used for barcode inkjet printing. A good high-resolution inkjet printer can have a database and can perform variable barcode inkjet printing. Laser inkjet printer: It is suitable for almost all industries. For the wine industry, the hot filling line has a high temperature, and ink inkjet printers are not suitable. Laser cij printers can only be used for printing. However, the surface of the product will be damaged when the laser printing machine is used for printing, so the user should carefully consider it when making a choice. Understand the different types of printers, you can choose the most suitable printer for your product. If you have any questions or problems, please call us at 020-87227827! For more information about laser inkjet printers, small character inkjet printers, and large character inkjet printers, please visit our official website:

The use of date printing machine cij printer is a great trend in today's world. What you should know is that it has become a very important part of business today.

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Regularly improving cij printer in accordance with customer feedback is a great way to show your brand listens and cares.

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