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There are many types of laser welding machines. Automatic laser welding machines and manual laser welding machines are two of them. Literally, the difference between these two laser welding machines is one It is automated, and the other is manually operated, so what is the specific difference? The following laser will explain to you what is the difference between automatic laser welding machine and manual laser welding machine?

First, what is an automatic laser welding machine:

The automatic laser welding machine is an automatic welding equipment, which uses high-energy laser pulses to micro-process materials. Local heating in the area, the energy of the laser radiation is diffused into the interior of the material through thermal conduction, and the material is melted to form a specific molten pool. Mainly for the welding of thin-walled materials and precision parts, it can realize spot welding, butt welding, stitch welding, sealing welding, etc. It has the advantages of small welding seam width, fast welding speed, high welding seam quality, no pores, precise control, and positioning accuracy. High, easy to achieve automation and other characteristics.

Automatic laser welding machine

Second, what is a manual laser welding machine:

As the name suggests, a manual laser welding machine is a welding equipment that requires manual operation. The equipment can carry out laser welding of long-distance and large workpieces. The heat-affected area is small during welding, which will not cause deformation, blackening, and traces on the back of the workpiece. The welding depth is large, the welding is firm, the melting is sufficient, and the molten material in the molten pool is bulging. There is no concave phenomenon at the junction with the substrate.

Manual laser welding machine

Three, what is the difference between automatic laser welding machine and manual laser welding machine:

Automatic laser welding machine is set on the software After it is finished, it will automatically weld according to the set program; and the manual laser welding machine is also called spot welding, which is manually enlarged to the screen for visual spot welding.

What is the difference between an automatic laser welding machine and a manual laser welding machine? Just share it here. Many people may think that the automatic laser welding machine is automatic, so it is better, but in fact the purpose of these two kinds of equipment is different, and each has its own advantages, we also need to choose according to the actual needs in the process Come to choose, choose the laser welding equipment that suits your own production needs.

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