
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

The development trend of inkjet printers

Product added value For users, a clear and accurate logo is a standard way to recognize the brand, and it is also a sign of confidence in long-term safe use. For manufacturers, the use of coding technology can improve the brand’s market image and unified logo management. Establish a good recognition image and beautify the product appearance. The inkjet printer is a device that is controlled by software and uses a non-contact method to mark the product. According to the difference in the working principle of inkjet printers, cij printers can be divided into three categories: continuous jet inkjet printers, drop-on-demand inkjet printers, and laser inkjet printers. From the consumables used in the inkjet printer to classify: one type is ink inkjet printer; the other is non-ink cij printer (laser inkjet printer). In recent years, domestic inkjet printers have grown strongly, and some of their performance has exceeded or exceeded imported inkjet printers. are widely accepted by users for their wide range of applications and strong applicability. For products that need to be printed on the production line, it must be clear and fast. In fact, the requirements for inkjet printers are very high. How to make inkjet printing machinery better complete the inkjet printing without affecting production is the direction that inkjet equipment manufacturers have been constantly innovating. The coding equipment is the key to the establishment of the personalized characteristics of the product and the display of the unique personality of the product through the packaging, which is the key to the enterprise to win the consumer. In order to prevent counterfeiting in the same industry and effectively manage regional sales, manufacturers will use high-tech anti-counterfeiting methods to identify their products. Laser marking has been widely used in the industry due to its unique non-paintable anti-counterfeiting. The above is the main points of the inkjet printer for everyone in this issue. If you have anything else you want to know, you can go to the inkjet printer official website http:/// leave a message and tell the editor.

Getting doesn't have to be expensive, time-consuming, or difficult. It all comes down to the right method and a date coding machine cij printer in place.

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In terms of cij printer, why is it different than other production? How does it fit a true need or desire for your requires? Is it simple to use? Make life easier?

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Deeper connections between LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. and customers can be made when we're thinking out of the box and meeting outside of manufacturing work.

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