
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

The difference between the process of the laser printer and the traditional marking process

The current laser coding machine processing technology has a huge breakthrough with the traditional marking process, and it has advantages that cannot be compared with the traditional:    1. The range of processing materials is more and wider, and it can deal with a variety of non-metallic and metallic materials. Marking of materials is especially suitable for brittle materials, high melting point materials, high hardness materials, etc. Traditional marking machines can only process certain non-metallic materials. 2. The laser marking processing technology of the laser machine is different from the old-style marking machine in the past. It must be in contact with the surface of the object to be processed and marked. After the integration and innovation of laser technology, laser marking only requires laser to process the object. Concentrated high-energy irradiation on the surface can complete the marking. This indirect contact processing will not damage the surface of the workpiece, and there is no cutting force. The quality of the markings, symbols, and texts is very high.  3. The laser beam gathered by the characteristic of high energy density of the laser is very thin, which makes the influence range of the processed object very small, which is beneficial to reduce the loss of raw materials.  4. Effectively combine with modern automation and computer systems to achieve the purpose of rapid processing.   5. It can engrave and mark a variety of shapes, numbers, patterns, characters, etc. The above are the main points of the inkjet printer for everyone in this issue. If you have anything else you want to know, you can go to the official website of the small character cij printer http:/// leave a message and tell the editor.

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LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd.’s sole aim is to provide exquisite and unheard of features to the concept of producing technology.

date coding machine cij printer is slower than expiry date printing machine but has a number of special applications, such as for date printing machine.

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