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The printer needs to be thoroughly cleaned and maintained before the shutdown during the Spring Festival holiday

Now that the Spring Festival is approaching, I wish my friends a Happy New Year in advance. In these days of the Chinese New Year, the small character inkjet printer will have a long downtime, then how should we maintain the small character inkjet printer before this? ? As the Spring Festival is approaching, some manufacturers have gradually begun to stop work for holidays, and the production line is also in a state of shutdown. As a small character inkjet printer that is closely connected to the production line, it will also be in a state of shutdown for a long period of time. When the ink small-character inkjet printer is running, the ink is continuously circulated in its internal pipeline. Therefore, for the possible precipitation and adhesion of the ink, the small-character cij printer generally does not appear when it is working. However, if the small-character cij printer is shut down for a long time, it must be cleaned and maintained to prevent unexpected problems when the small-character inkjet printer is used again. First of all, it is recommended that the small character inkjet printer use a more thorough method to clean the residual ink after the last work. This is different from normal cleaning. It is necessary to increase the dosage of the cleaning agent and let the cleaning agent circulate several times before being discharged. Special attention should be paid to the nozzle part, because the recycling pipeline is exposed to the outside daily, and only thorough cleaning can prevent the pipeline from being blocked for a long time. At this time, we need to pour the cleaning agent into the container and soak the nozzle part for cleaning, which can be repeated several times to achieve a thorough cleaning effect. It is worth noting that after the last work is completed, you need to strictly follow the shutdown procedure, which is helpful to the maintenance of the small character inkjet printer.

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