
Kodlamada Lider Üretici & 2011'den bu yana Markalama Sektörü.

Are we informed about uv laser marking machine weight and volume after shipment?

This will be emailed to you once the laser marking machine are delivered. Tracking info will be attached so that you can follow the logistics. Any questions can be asked after the delivery.

As a domestically competitive producer, LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. is expanding its manufacturing scale. cij printer series manufactured by LEAD TECH include multiple types. And the products shown below belong to this type. It's colorfast. To ensure the fastness of all dyed fabrics, printed artwork or printed marks on fabrics in production to ISO 105 standards. The functions and types of the user interface can be customized. LEAD TECH will highly value the importance of package for cij printer. This product can highlight the differences and features of printed things.

We will struggle to make LEAD TECH this national brand to be worldwide forever. Contact us!

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Tel : (+86)-0756 7255629
Ofis Ekle : Kat 3/4, Bina 1, No. 728, Jinhu Yolu, Sanzao Kasabası, Jinwan Bölgesi, Zhuhai Şehri
Telif hakkı © 2024 LEAD TECH (ZHUHAI) ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD - www.leadtech.ltd  | site haritası
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