
Kodlamada Lider Üretici & 2011'den bu yana Markalama Sektörü.

How many people in LEAD TECH R&D department?

There are several people, who are all professional and experienced in continuous inkjet printer field, employed in LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. R&D department. In this competitive society, we have been consistently developing R&D ability to improve the competitiveness of our product. We have always attached great importance to developing new products, which is beneficial for us to be a leading manufacturer.

LEAD TECH is China's outstanding laser printing machine system solution supplier. laser printing machine series manufactured by LEAD TECH include multiple types. And the products shown below belong to this type. To LEAD TECH, adopting superior raw material for cij printer is responsible for customers. The product does not need any warm-up time before printing. This product features continuous high productivity. Basic components are often updated during the run to provide the new features needed. Its reasonable button layout offers convenient operation.

The service of our company is highly recommended. Inquiry!

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Tel : (+86)-0756 7255629
Ofis Ekle : Kat 3/4, Bina 1, No. 728, Jinhu Yolu, Sanzao Kasabası, Jinwan Bölgesi, Zhuhai Şehri
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