
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

Use the laser printer to say goodbye to easy removal and easy fall off

According to my country's 'General Rules for the Labeling of Prepackaged FoodsOf course, the production date of pre-packaged food is not listed. However, the production date of many pre-packaged foods is easy to remove and fall off; this reflects that most of the pre-packaged food production date labels have not met the long-lasting standard requirements. According to the survey, a province recently released the 'Prepackaged Food Production Date; Easily Removed, Easy to Fall Off; Problem Experience Investigation ReportObviously, the marking of the production date of these pre-packaged foods did not meet the requirements. So, what impact does it have on the production date of pre-packaged food, and how to solve it? As we all know, the production date is the date when the food becomes the final product, and it is one of the important indicators for judging food safety. The use of laser printers and laser printers can prevent easy erasing and falling off. The laser printer understands that the laser printing machine can be divided into two types: scribing type and dot matrix type. At present, most of the laser coding equipment appearing on the market are scribing, while the new laser coding equipment adopts the new dot matrix technology. The dot-matrix laser machine is to mark some important track points of the characters to be marked. In the case of the same energy, compared to the scribing laser coding machine, the new dot matrix laser coding machine has a faster printing speed and is not easy to smear or change. The laser printing machine can print on various specifications of food packaging, indicating the production date, shelf life, production batch number, manufacturer's name, etc., as a food packaging equipment in the food and pharmaceutical industries, it is increasingly widely used. The equipment has the characteristics of stable performance, high reliability, fast speed and low power consumption. More importantly, compared with cij printers, there is no need to clean the print head and frequently replace consumable parts, which is more energy-saving and environmentally friendly, and the food labels and markings produced by the cij printer are clearer and more durable. It is not easy to remove and fall off. The emergence of not only solves the problem of commodity fleeing caused by unclear marking, but also avoids problems such as smearing by illegal vendors and altering the production date due to clear and long-lasting marking. In short, whether it is the strengthening of supervision by relevant departments or the use of laser printing and steel stamping, it is all to better ensure food quality and safety. I believe that with the help of laser coding and inkjet equipment such as laser coding machines and laser coding machines, the labels of prepackaged foods will be clearer, longer-lasting, not easy to remove and fall off, and illegal vendors will not be able to take advantage of it. Let consumers eat safely. The above is the main points of the inkjet printer for everyone in this issue. If you have anything else you want to know, you can go to the cij printer's official website: http:///leave a message and tell the editor

LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. has a great reputation on producing innovative products as the cij printer.

Being a performance leader means LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. will achieve operational excellence, industry-leading customer satisfaction and superior financial performance.

In the boundless Chinese market, there are a number of enterprises that provides date coding machine cij printer of their own brand over the years, but few have won more support from customers on the international stage than Leadtech Coding.

On top of making sure all our day-to-day operations are running smoothly, LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. needs to ensure that we're keeping up with all the quality standards of cij printer.

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CO2 laser marking machines are a popular choice for high-quality and permanent marking on various materials.
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CO2 laser marking machines have gained immense popularity in various industries due to their high precision and versatility.
Laser marking is a popular technique used in various industries to create permanent, high-quality marks on a wide range of materials.
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