
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

What are the advantages of laser printers compared with ink printers? -

With the introduction of laser coding machine technology and advanced laser technology, especially the new marking equipment of UV ultraviolet laser coding machine, the material that could not be marked with CO2 and fiber laser machine before can be clear and beautiful with ultraviolet laser machine. The coding effect.

The two-dimensional code laser printing machine can realize product anti-counterfeiting. The anti-counterfeiting effect of the laser printing machine is obvious. It cannot be altered, cannot be tampered with, and cannot be removed. The marking content that can be removed unless the entire material is destroyed. The two-dimensional code logo can replace dozens of characters and text content, making it easier for consumers to obtain information.

It has a great influence on product brands, especially some high value-added products. With laser QR code identification, laser opportunities for products such as high-end beverages, mineral water, etc. appear to be of higher grade. The purchase cost of laser marking machines is higher, and the production process and factory environment requirements are higher. Standardized operations are required to fully utilize the capabilities of the equipment . The laser machine is not only cheaper than traditional marking equipment, but also has a lower failure rate and repair and maintenance rate. The stability has also been increased. It can control the depth of product marking and prevent excessive burning of the product. Laser printers have less environmental pollution and less impact on product quality, giving products more advantages in the competition. With the improvement of consumer brand awareness, they will see whether the product has passed the shelf life, whether it is fresh, or not. Sensitive information about whether it is genuine or not and whether there is any promotional marketing activity information.

LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in undertaking corporate offers to cater the needs of different companies.

go to Leadtech Coding to get an amazing offer at favorbale price. the cij printer date coding machine actually works and is worth a try.

[拓展名称] include a great variety of devices with a wide range of complexity: from simple expiry date printing machine used since prehistoric times to the complex of modern mechanized date printing machine.

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