
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

What are the wide applications of QR code inkjet printers in various industries?

Faced with the ever-increasing demand for two-dimensional code identification, the realization of 'one item, one code' for product packaging can lay a solid foundation for identification, whether it is the early product quality control, the later product traceability, and product marketing. Which industries are the QR code cij printers mainly used in? Through more than ten years of experience in the research and development, production, manufacturing, installation and commissioning, and after-sales maintenance of identification equipment, the main application industries of the two-dimensional code inkjet printer are from the beginning of medicines, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, electronic industries, and circuit boards. , Precision components, auto parts (such as engines, brake pads, etc.) have begun to transform like fast-moving consumer goods, and more and more food, beverages, and health products have begun to have the demand for QR code identification, as well as some industrial products, such as ceramic tile. What functions can the QR code cij printer achieve in various products? 1. Get information quickly, such as company information, product information, etc. 2. Website jump, jump directly to company website, official account, applet, etc. 3. Advertising push, users scan the code, and directly browse the video and audio content pushed by the business. 4. In the palm mall, users can directly jump to the mall after scanning the code, and the mobile phone can directly purchase and place an order. 5. Anti-counterfeiting traceability. By scanning the QR code, consumers can understand the production and circulation of products, and anti-counterfeiting traceability. 6. Preferential promotion, rewards by scanning codes, surveys with rewards and other forms to get more consumer information feedback. 7. Member management and points management will bring more benefits to consumers and increase user viscosity. 8. Mobile payment, Wechat or Alipay payment by scanning code, improve efficiency and increase payment channels. The above is the two-dimensional code cij printer. This issue will tell you the key points of the cij printer use. If you have anything else you want to know, you can go to the inkjet printer manufacturer's official website: http:///leave a message and tell the editor.

It is beyond doubt that benefits expiry date printing machine. Market sentiments are strong, especially in the light of growing date coding machine observed globally.

Providing highly qualified cij printer products and services, LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. is committed to helping clients make lasting improvements to their performance and realize their most important goals. Over the past decades, we’ve built a firm uniquely equipped to this task. Go to Leadtech Coding for more info.

The rising date printing machine consciousness observed worldwide are expected to be key factors driving the demand for expiry date printing machine cij printer.

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