
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

What is the difference between a laser printer and a laser printer

Generally speaking, laser printers refer to lasers that can only mark statically, and laser printers often refer to online laser marking. In terms of the price difference between laser printers and laser printers, the on-line (streamlined) laser printers are more expensive. The specific price depends on the selection of accessories (including lasers, galvanometers and other main components). In ' Types and Applications   The classification of laser printers and laser printers is similar. Here we mainly introduce laser printers. According to the different laser generation and principles, the mainstream products of laser printers are divided into CO2 carbon dioxide lasers, fiber lasers and semiconductor lasers. The wavelengths are divided into 10.64nm and 9.3nm. Optional, mainly subdivided product models with different power such as 10W, 30W and 60W. For products with different materials and different laminated products, there are strong pertinent requirements. The laser marking range is from 70mmx70mm to 250mmx250mm. The lens size can be selected to fully meet the production needs; the maximum marking speed is 600 characters/sec. (Depending on the specific material), the control software is the same. They are all customized or developed operating software in the WINDOWSCE system, which is reasonable, convenient, safe, simple and reliable.

To that end, LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. has successfully built a solid foundation and infrastructure for cij printer manufacturing.

LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. will continue to bring our industry nuances of style and approaches to cij printer which are consistent with our evolving aspirations.

Consumers like these are interested not just in cij printer they will spend their money on, but also in the human and environmental impact of the supply chain that produces those goods.

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Application News INFO CENTER

Laser marking has emerged as a widely popular method for ensuring precise and permanent markings on various materials.
About CO2 Laser Marking Machine

CO2 laser marking machines are a popular choice for high-quality and permanent marking on various materials.

Laser marking has become an indispensable part of various industries worldwide, revolutionizing the way manufacturers, designers, and craftsmen mark products and materials.

CO2 laser marking machines have revolutionized the world of industrial manufacturing with their precision and versatility.
Overview of CO2 Laser Marking Machine

Laser marking technology has revolutionized the manufacturing industry, offering efficient and precise marking solutions for a wide range of materials.
Overview of CO2 Laser Marking Machine

CO2 laser marking machines have gained immense popularity in various industries due to their high precision and versatility.

Laser marking is a popular technique used in various industries to create permanent, high-quality marks on a wide range of materials.
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