
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

What is the function of the inkjet printer on the product? -

The application of cij printers has been very extensive, because inkjet printers are necessary products. can be used to print production date, batch number, barcode, trademark patterns, anti-counterfeiting marks and Chinese characters, which is to promote packaging. Modern coding equipment. 1. Conducive to product identification. By marking the logo, brand name and trademark pattern on the product, the product can quickly attract the attention of consumers, so as to stand out in the fierce competition and achieve the effect of improving brand awareness. 2. The need for product tracking records.

The batch number and production date of the product are directly printed on the product, and the product has good traceability, which is convenient for the quality management and regional management of the enterprise's products.

3. Prevent counterfeiting. Manufacturers can prevent and suppress the occurrence of counterfeit sites by marking products, so that manufacturers can stay ahead of counterfeiters. 4. Increase the added value of the product. When the manufacturer or labeler is identified on the product, consumers usually think that it is a product that has relatively complete quality tracking and is responsible for product quality. are widely used in many industries such as food, beverage, building materials, wire and cable, chemical industry, electronics, etc. It is especially important for manufacturers to choose cij printers suitable for products. When consumers buy products, they consider not only the production date, taste, and appearance of the packaging, but also the information about the source of nutrients and raw materials, and even corporate values. Companies must be able to provide relevant information to consumers in an open and transparent manner.

LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. outfits our businesses with cij printer because they're relatively affordable and highly customizable.

LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. endeavors to be valued as an industry leader in client satisfaction, sales growth, product performance, financial strength and profitability.

comes in a vast array of styles and expiry date printing machine depending on which date coding machineis used.

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