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Why do you need to add thinner to the ink of the small character inkjet printer before it can be used?

Small-character inkjet printers have entered the Chinese market from the British Domino, Videojet of the United States, and Markem-Imaje from the Hong Kong agency in the late 1980s. The small-character printers are based on the principle of continuous ink supply. Under the action, the ink enters the spray chamber. The spray chamber is equipped with a crystal oscillator. Through vibration, the ink is sprayed from a nozzle with a very small aperture (usually 60 microns) to form a fixed interval point, which is processed by the CPU and phase tracking. Some ink dots of the charging electrode are charged with different electric nuclei, and undergo different offsets under a high-voltage magnetic field of several thousand volts. They fly out of the nozzle and fall on the surface of the moving product to form a dot matrix, thereby forming characters, numbers or Graphics. It is precisely because of this ink supply principle that the ink used in the small character inkjet printer also has certain requirements, so it is necessary to add a thinner. Thinner is usually also called inkjet printer solvent. It is used as the basic solvent of small-character cij printer ink to dilute the ink, which is to dilute the ink to a standard viscosity set by the inkjet printer, and this process is It is automatically completed in the ink mixing tank, and the small character inkjet printer uses a viscosity detector to determine whether to add ink or add thinner. Only when the ink viscosity of the inkjet printer is within the range set by the machine, the charging of the ink and the flying distance of the ink dots will not deviate, and the printing effect can be guaranteed. Standard viscosity ink is in contact with the atmosphere during the circulation process, and the solvent in the ink evaporates continuously, causing the ink viscosity to gradually increase. If the viscosity is too high, it will affect the charging of the ink dots, and directly affect the flying distance of the ink dots, and the printing effect will have errors. Therefore, when the ink viscosity is detected to be abnormal, the machine will automatically add thinner (printer solvent) to ensure that the ink in the mixing tank maintains a standard viscosity value to ensure print quality. Thinner is usually also called inkjet printer solvent. It is used as the basic solvent of small-character cij printer ink to dilute the ink, which is to dilute the ink to a standard viscosity set by the inkjet printer, and this process is It is automatically completed in the ink mixing tank, and the small character inkjet printer uses a viscosity detector to determine whether to add ink or add thinner. Only when the ink viscosity of the printer is within the range set by the machine, the charging of the ink and the flying distance of the ink dots will not deviate, and the printing effect can be guaranteed. Packaging and printing companies such as food, beverages, tobacco and alcohol, cables, and cosmetics need to print numbers, barcodes, patterns or text on products or outer packaging cartons frequently or at a high speed. Practice has proved that the application of small character inkjet printers, high-resolution inkjet printers, etc. can greatly improve production efficiency and the clarity of printed text, thereby improving product quality, enabling enterprises to win a broader product market and better economic benefits. Before the non-contact continuous inkjet printer was invented, screen printers, pad printers and even more primitive mechanical roller punches were often used to complete printing. The result of this is poor text clarity, time-consuming and labor-intensive, low production efficiency, and the quality of the product is lost due to low printing quality, and more and more customers and consumers are lost, causing the production enterprise to suffer losses. Therefore, advanced equipment is urgently needed to replace them. After the efforts of scientists and many scientific and technological workers, small character inkjet printers and high-resolution cij printers have been developed. These non-contact continuous cij printers have become the first choice to change the backward status quo. Small character inkjet printers are mainly used to print small characters, numbers and graphics on sub-products. The high-resolution cij printer, as the name suggests, is used to print large text, numbers and graphics on the outer packaging carton. The basic components of inkjet printer accessories: including deflection plates, charging electrodes, phase sensors, time-of-flight sensors, recovery tanks, piezoelectric crystals and other important components. Below, Oulance will share with you the functions of each component. Deflection plate: to deflect the charged ink droplets according to the amount of charge. 'Laser inkjet printer' fills the gap of China's online laser marking equipment, shortens the gap between China and advanced development in this field, and creates a new application field of laser technology in the non-stop marking inkjet equipment of China's assembly line. Due to the peculiarity of the software, the high-resolution inkjet printer uses an ink supply system based on the principle of siphoning. Just insert the ink tube connected to the nozzle into the ink cartridge, but because the equipment does not have an ink supply pump, a recycling pump, and The nozzle hole is also very thin, so it is easy to block the nozzle, and the ink is not good, and many special materials on the surface cannot meet the printing effect, easy to wipe, and the ink is not easy to dry, and once the machine has a long standby time If you click, the nozzle will be blocked, and the nozzle will be blocked every time you turn on the machine. The way to deal with the clogged nozzle is to squeeze the ink, and the squeezed ink can no longer be used, causing a lot of waste. And the printing speed It is also far from being as fast as the small character inkjet printer, and is subject to certain restrictions in use. However, the high-resolution equipment also has some functions that are worthy of recognition. First of all, on the pattern, the high-resolution printing effect is a solid line type. , So no matter how complicated the pattern is, it is easy to print, and the reading rate of the variable two-dimensional code and bar code printed is also very high. The above is the small character spray The main points of why the ink of the printer can be used after adding a thinner, if you have anything else you want to know, please go to the official website of the laser printing machine: http:///Leave a message and tell the editor!

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comes in a vast array of styles and expiry date printing machine depending on which date printing machineis used.

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