
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

Why is there no breakpoint in the ink line of the circuit board inkjet printer? How to solve

u003cpu003eu003c/pu003eu003cpu003eInkjet printers have played a very good role in many industries today, and printed circuit board inkjet printers have played their role well. There are also some problems in the operation of the circuit board inkjet printer, such as the ink line has no breakpoints. What is going on? How to deal with it? Take a look at the specific operation introduction and instructions. u003c/pu003eu003cpu003eThe ink line of the circuit board inkjet printer has no breakpoints, so the ink itself must be considered first. If the ink viscosity is too high or too low, it will directly affect the efficiency of the coding operation. It is recommended that you take into account the usage of the printer in time, choose the appropriate ink according to the adaptability, and try to avoid the possibility of ink problems. , To ensure the stable operation of the printer and higher safety and efficiency. u003c/pu003eu003cpu003eIn addition, we must also consider the clogging problem of the inkjet printer. In fact, after a long time of use, the nozzle of the inkjet printer is prone to clogging. As a result of problems such as clogging of the inkjet laser laser marking machine, it is necessary to clean up in time during the actual operation to reduce clogging, so as to avoid problems with inkjet coding. After finishing the coding, inspection and cleaning should be carried out in time to ensure that the laser laser marking machine can operate stably and safely. u003c/pu003eu003cpu003eIf the ink line of the circuit board inkjet printer has no breakpoints or the inkjet code is blurred, it should also be considered that there is a problem with the inkjet cavity. This requires professional maintenance personnel to deal with it, and complete the equipment Inspection and maintenance, and any problems can be eliminated in time to ensure the stable operation of the printer. In addition, everyone should pay attention to the basic operating specifications and requirements of the inkjet laser laser marking machine, and try to follow the regulations to avoid damage to the equipment. u003c/pu003eu003c/pu003eu003c/pu003e

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