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CO2 laser marking machine system debugging and solution

After the components of the carbon dioxide laser marking machine are assembled, the system needs to be debugged as a whole. The following are the corresponding solutions for various situations.

1. The light-on delay is too short

The laser is turned on at the beginning of the marking command, because the inertia of the galvanometer motor Factors, it takes a certain time to reach the specified speed, the result is that the laser is on for too long at the current position, and a key phenomenon occurs. In this case, it is necessary to appropriately lengthen the delay time of turning on the light, and wait for the galvanometer motor to reach the set speed before turning on the light, so as to avoid such phenomena.

Second, the turn-on delay is too long

In order to avoid the above The disadvantage is that the delay time of turning on the light is set too long, so that the time when the laser is turned on is seriously lagging behind the galvanometer motor. The part that should be marked is missed. In this case, the value of the turn-on delay should be appropriately reduced.

3. The light-off delay is too short

When ending a marking command, when the light should be turned off, If the light-off delay is too short, the laser will be turned off due to the deviation between the set position and the actual position of the galvanometer motor, so the last part of the marking command will be missed. In this case, it should be appropriately increased. Light off delay.

Fourth, the light-off delay is too long

If the light-off delay is too long, after the marking command ends, the galvanometer After the motor moves to the set position, the motor is in a stopped or slow state, but the laser is always on, so the last position of the marking content will be highlighted, and in severe cases, the marked material may be burned through . In this case, it is necessary to reduce the light-off delay time.

5. Jump delay is too short

Jump command After the end, the galvanometer motor changes sharply from high-speed motion to a static state, and the motor will vibrate at the beginning stage. If the jump delay is too short, the galvanometer motor has not been completely stabilized, and the normal marking action starts, then At the beginning of the marking content, the motor is in a shaking state, and the marking line will not be smooth. In this case, increase the jump delay time.

6. The jump delay is too long

Too long jump delay will not affect the marking effect , but it will prolong the overall time of marking. In occasions where speed is not required, the jump delay will not be strictly necessary. However, in order to compress the marking time on high-speed production lines, this parameter should not affect the marking. Adjust to the minimum effect.

7. The marking delay is too short

The influence of marking delay is mainly reflected in the jumping of marking action. In the case of turning action conversion, due to the deviation between the set position of the control card and the actual position of the galvanometer motor during marking, if the marking delay time is too short, the galvanometer motor will not reach the specified position, and the galvanometer motor will not reach the specified position. The jump action is started, and the last part of the marking content is deformed. In this case, the marking delay should be increased.

8. The marking delay is too long

Like the jump delay, the marking delay is too long. It will affect the marking effect, but it will prolong the overall marking time. Since the number of marking commands is far greater than the number of jump commands in the entire marking process, too long marking delay will seriously affect the marking time. Time, in general, this parameter needs to be set to an appropriate value to make the performance of the whole system play the best.

The above are some problems that occurred in the process of marking and debugging in the debugging of the carbon dioxide laser marking machine system. In order to increase the anti-interference ability of the system, a power supply filter was added, and the galvanometer signal line was changed to a shielded line; for better focusing effect, the beam expander From three times to five times; the size of the chassis has been changed for better aesthetics and ease of assembly, etc.

(This article is edited by the editor, please be sure to indicate the source:)

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