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Laser inkjet printer technology in the field of automobile manufacturing has received extensive attention

At present, laser welding machine technology is widely used in automobile manufacturing industry. Fiber laser welding machine is widely used in aerospace, machinery, electronics, automobile, shipbuilding and The field of nuclear power engineering has received extensive attention.

Especially in automobile production, laser welding has been widely used for body assembly and auto parts production. Laser welding technology is currently widely used in body welding. The body is a typical thin-plate shell structure, which is stamped, cut, and formed from low-alloy, high-strength thin steel sheets to form covers, which are then welded and assembled.

There are thousands of solder joints on the body assembly. Resistance spot welding is used for conventional welding. The narrow and deep seam formed by laser welding is easy to penetrate the workpiece.

Fiber continuous laser welding machine

There is no mechanical contact between the laser head and the workpiece to be welded, and there is no mechanical stress. The tensile strength and fatigue strength of laser welding are equivalent to those of the base metal, which meets the requirements of bearing capacity, so that the material of parts and components can be thinned and the weight of the vehicle body can be reduced.

At the same time, because the laser welding machine is controlled by computer, it has strong flexibility and operability, and can weld door panels, baffles, gears, instrument panels, etc. Has a special shape. By adding fiber optic transmission systems and manipulators, the automation of automotive assembly lines can be achieved.

The laser welding technology is one of the most successful and most effective application technologies in the laser welding automobile manufacturing industry. The problem that the width of the steel plate rolled by the rolling mill is not enough. Tailored blank technology is used to meet the wide plate requirements of the automotive industry. With the development of the automobile industry, tailor-welded blanks are developing towards differential thickness plates, that is, steel plates of different thicknesses can be tailor-welded. At this time, the purpose of tailor-welding automobile steel plates is truly realized.

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